Attract more walk-in customers to your business! These are the most important tips

Time reading time

We'll explain how you can simply but effectively attract more customers to your shop.

One thing is clear: If you want to run a successful business, you should attract as many customers as possible. A particularly important factor is drawing the attention of walk-in customers in particular. This article should help you attract more customers to your store. We have put together the most relevant criteria for you and give you valuable inspiration on how you can best implement our tips in your business.


1. Be an eye-catcher!

When potential customers pass by your store, it's important that you make a good first impression. In just the first three seconds, the customer will decide whether they find your store appealing. Accordingly, you should prepare yourself and strategically attract your target group into business. Present your offer, set yourself apart from the competition and impress with a competent appearance. Customers expect to find the image that you present to the outside world in the shop and therefore decide whether a visit to you is worthwhile.


Good shop window design

First and foremost, take a look at your shop window. Are the windows well cleaned or can you barely see through them anymore? How is your product display set up? Perhaps a new design and a breath of fresh air wouldn't be bad. Your shop window should tell customers a story that immediately captivates them. Like good advertising, it should capture the emotions of customers. To do this, work with warm light, eye-catching lettering and a clear structure. The pyramid structure in particular has proven effective for displaying goods in shop windows. This allows you to display many products in the shop window without overstretching the customer's attention span. When it comes to decoration, be inspired by your environmental influences. Regardless of whether it's seasons or viral trends. The possibilities are endless. You can also find further tips and visual impressions in this Window dressing articles find.


Design sidewalk

In addition to the shop window, you can ideally also use the sidewalk in front of the entrance area of your shop. You can set up pretty plants or design signs that direct walk-in customers straight to your shop. Think about which additional items you could place that go well with your business idea. Perhaps a seat in front of the shop or a trash can in the shape of an ice cream cone? Get creative and think about what would appeal to you if you happened to pass by your shop. Ideally, you will of course invite walk-in customers to go shopping with your outward impression. Therefore, you should also place special offers in front of the shop. Experience has shown that customers are quick to buy spontaneously, especially when it comes to small, inexpensive products.


2. Be convincing in business too!

If you have already been able to successfully attract customers to your store, the curiosity in the shop should not immediately stop. That means you should definitely continue the story they started telling on the street inside. Make shopping an experience for customers. Pick up the topics and motifs from the shop window and implement them in the shop as well. Think about what lifestyle and feelings you want to convey and choose the appropriate interior design, music and scents.


friendly staff

The next tip may seem superfluous to you, but unfortunately it is ignored far too often in everyday life. Make sure that your staff is always friendly and accommodating. Do you remember how often you were annoyed by unfriendly employees and refrained from advice and service because the staff looked so annoyed? Exactly! It happens far too often.

Make things better in your business and always teach your employees to pay attention to their appearance. Small details, such as a friendly smile or a greeting, already make the difference for your customers. However, it is not about following the customer across the corridors of the shop and imposing your own help in order to get as much sales commission as possible. Good service means showing attention, responding to the customer's wishes and saying goodbye to the customer with a smile. Also explain to your employees how you can make use of free moments when they're not serving a customer right now. Instead of hanging bored at the counter and looking at your cell phone, you can use the free moments to keep your workplace tidy and make the business presentable.

When it comes to advising customers, professional expertise is of course essential in order to attract customers for the future as well. Your employees should always radiate confidence and competence in their job. This includes that every employee is familiar with the shop's product range and offers and can offer individual advice. In the best case scenario, employees can demonstrate different products to the customer and use them directly on the customer, for example with cosmetics, in order to find just the right product. Be aware that personal advice is one of the biggest strengths you have compared to online retail. Finally, it is important that your customers come out onto the street satisfied and convince other passers-by to pay you a visit too!


3. Online presence!

Although this article is aimed at acquiring walk-in customers, you shouldn't underestimate the potential of your store's online presence to attract customers who are close by.

Apart from a website and profiles on major social networks such as Facebook and Instagram, you should also be listed on various tourist and ranking pages. Sites such as Yelp or TripAdvisor are particularly popular, which give you international reach and send searching customers directly to you using the smartphone's location option.


Create a Google listing

In the age of Google, you should also be registered with Google with your business, as the search engine can link directly to your shop. The Google Inventory Ads system automatically points customers who are looking for a specific product to nearby stores. Therefore, you should make sure that all relevant information, such as address, telephone number and opening hours, is entered in your Google listing. Photos of your trade and offerings are crucial for customers. Stick to the same rules as when designing your business. Present it to potential customers with a well-thought-out strategy and take advantage of the fact that you can no longer only be found by customers on the street, but theoretically by the whole world.

Finally, a final tip on how you can directly contribute your online presence to your customer loyalty: Create a mailing list to maintain contact with your new customers and also point customers to the store's other online profiles. Use the additional contact option to invite customers directly to visit the shop, for example for a discount campaign or if you are planning an event.



There are many and, above all, easy-to-implement ways to attract walk-in customers to your shop. It depends on how you present yourself and your team and that's when customers find you all by themselves. Take matters into your own hands and stop letting customers come to your store by chance.

This post was written by Ann-Kathrin Rust from Tillhub provided.

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