Heat wave in Germany: What to do about the heat?

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At the end of June, according to the German Meteorological Service Measured 39.6 degrees It's never been this hot in June. By the way, the all-time record in Germany is 40.3 degrees. It hasn't been hotter yet. While many have longed for summer, the heat is too much for others. Especially in offices, cars or (attic) apartments, the high temperatures can be an ordeal. We too at Socialwave We are feeling the heat wave in our office in Munich. That's why we want to share a few tips with you on how to withstand the heat.

First things first: drink more!

However, this does not mean alcohol now. This is because it removes fluid and minerals from the body. The result: We feel the high temperatures even more strongly. You should also avoid caffeinated foods such as coffee or black tea on this day, as caffeine also puts a strain on the circulatory system in addition to the heat. The most effective thirst quencher on hot summer days is still tap water. Instead of the recommended 1.5 - 2 liters per day, it can also be 3 liters. However, since the body also loses many minerals through sweating, it is not reprehensible to consume mineral-containing substances in between. Tea (not caffeinated), soup or even juice spritzers are suitable here. However, it shouldn't be too sugary. Water-rich fruits such as peaches or strawberries are also particularly recommended. In general, it applies to the sustenance to respect. At high temperatures, light meals such as vegetable stir-fries or salads are suitable.

Adjust daily routines

Starting the day early pays off, as the temperatures are even lower in the morning. It is best to ventilate immediately after getting up. It is still cool and fresh until 8:30 a.m. Then close the windows and doors again. If possible, darken the rooms with blinds or curtains so that the apartment does not heat up due to sunlight. If you like going to gym You should also do so in the morning or, if necessary, in the evening hours. At noon, it is best to refrain from physical exertion. Because temperatures reach their highest level in the midday hours, which is why you should refrain from much exercise here. In general, it is beneficial to stay in cool rooms at this time.

Protect the body properly

Anyone who is out and about at these temperatures should try to stay in the shade. When you expose yourself to the sun, it is best to wear sunglasses and a hat. These protect against the sun's rays. In addition, wear light clothing in bright colors. The dark tight-fitting top can stay in the closet at these temperatures. Functional underwear that carries moisture and warmth to the outside is best. If you don't own them, you can also use clothing that is made of linen or cotton. Be sure to use sunscreen for uncovered areas of the body to avoid sunburn. The neck in particular is susceptible to this. It is therefore best to prevent this with appropriate headgear or by applying cream. To cool down the body, it helps to let cold water run down your forearms. This also supports the cardiovascular system. Take body symptoms seriously. If your body draws attention through nausea, drowsiness, or dizziness, then you should urgently use a doctor's office visit.

Frau mit Sonnenhut
Protection from the sun

Tips for a fresh effect

If you are keen to experiment and are looking for an alternative to air conditioning, you should definitely try out the following tips. Fill a bucket with cold water and place your feet in it. It doesn't sound new and unusual, but it's effective. Another way to do this is to put insoles in the refrigerator overnight and put them in your shoes during the day. As a result, the soles give off constant cold. Instead of hot water, simply fill the hot water bottle with cold water and put it in the fridge as well. After about 2 hours, you have a type of ice cube that does not melt and cools pleasantly. For those who really like to experiment, it is recommended to mix 4 to 5 drops of tea tree oil into the shampoo. It cools the scalp throughout the day. A similar method: rub the back of the knees, wrists and temples with menthol. The evaporation of the essential oils creates a pleasant feeling of freshness. However, if this is too complex or too grotesque, it is best to use the fan or a small handheld fan.

Enjoying summer

Anyone who is already a sun worshipper doesn't necessarily have to go on vacation now. Because holidaymakers who chase the hot temperatures in the south can pay for the trip and a lodging save. A trip to the nearest swimming lake is enough to compensate for a beach holiday. City dwellers don't have to despair, because cities such as Munich offer many activities The ones that make summer more beautiful. And if you prefer to stay at home, you can grill in the garden or take a relaxing sunbath on the balcony.

People who avoid the sun in general can of course also visit a café or restaurant visit. There should probably be no shortage of free indoor places in this weather.

Steg an einem See
Cooling off in the lake