Google Ads - this is how advertising works on Google!

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Google Ads is currently one of the most effective marketing measures of all! With around 4 billion daily searches, Google itself is the most successful search engine in the world. So it's no wonder that their own advertising platform is also extremely successful. But only a few know what is behind the small ad that is regularly displayed on the Google search engine. With sufficient know-how, Google Ads can make an enormous contribution to the marketing of any company. The design and use may seem complex, time-consuming and cost-intensive - but the effort will be worthwhile. We offer a brief insight into how Google Ads works and explain why Google Ads campaigns are of great benefit when used correctly.

What are Google Ads?

The search engine Google offers an internet-based advertising tool via its own platform - the so-called Google Ads. This was created just a few years after the actual founding of Google itself. Since the search engine was able to achieve tremendous success and growth right from the start, the idea was obvious to make good use of this reach. The guiding idea behind the advertising platform was or is to offer advertisers the opportunity to use the Google platform with all the benefits. Through advertisements and campaigns, products should be advertised on the search engine itself, but also on the associated networks such as YouTube. This was the first step towards Google Ads. Since Google itself would of course also like to benefit from such cooperation, the use or placement of active advertisements is only possible against payment.

Google Ads is one of the most successful marketing tools

Google Ads basics

The basic idea behind Google's advertising system is simple. The advertiser, i.e. the person who wants to market their product on Google, selects the search terms under which their product should be displayed on Google. The ad is then displayed by Google as soon as someone searches for exactly this term. The search terms, also known as keywords, are freely selectable and can be changed depending on the situation. In addition, keywords do not always have to be specific keywords; keyword phrases or keyword groups, i.e. a sentence or a phrase, can also be defined. Another advantage that Google Ads has is that they are not only, as some assume, displayed on the Google search engine without exception. Google has a variety of partner websites and services. This means that Google Ads can also be displayed under a YouTube video, for example. The costs of an ad are calculated from the so-called “cost-per-click” (CPC). This results from an internal process, which determines prices depending on keywords. The advertiser can set a maximum amount that they are willing to pay for each keyword they choose. In principle, this is like an auction process between Google and the advertiser. Based on the automatic bid setting, an average daily budget can be set, which is created based on Google Ads data. This is managed automatically by Google, but can be stopped or changed by the advertiser at any time.

Google Ads have a wide reach — even beyond Google!

Google Ads - How it works

Basically, anyone can create a Google Ads account to create advertising campaigns there. These are delivered to the appropriate target group via Google services in accordance with the specified parameters. Google Ads offers the option of focusing on different goals with an advertising campaign - depending on the advertiser's individual attitude. For example, there is the “brand awareness and reach” option, which increases attention to the product. Other features such as location determination make it possible to address target groups precisely. In addition to the basic categories that Google Ads automatically suggests, the customer's motive is also a decisive success criterion. The design of the campaign should therefore promote the intended action of the customer. For example, if the customer is to be directed directly to the website, it should be made visible in the advertisement. These are factors that should be considered even before publishing an ad. This not only refines the target group approach, but also benefits the budget. In addition, the advertising platform scores points with its high level of flexibility. All settings can be changed and/or deleted at any time. It is also possible to pause advertisements in the meantime and adjust the budget. If a campaign is therefore not profitable for the advertiser, it can be changed or stopped immediately. In order to be able to track the success of advertisements, Google Analytics as an additional tool.

Google Ads - Design

With regard to visual design, a distinction can be made between text and image formats. However, the design of text ads is limited, as only a certain number of characters is available for the headline and the descriptive text. The design of image ads is somewhat more liberal. Google Ads offers the option of using them in different formats, as well as the choice between static and animated images, although the selection of animations is also free. Visually, Google Ads usually appear in color on the results list on Google. In addition, these are clearly marked with “ad” or “ad”, which clearly sets them apart and distinguishes them from the other search results. Another aspect that enhances a Google Ads campaign both visually and in terms of content is the listing of positive Google reviews. These not only arouse the fundamental interest of potential customers, but also create a basis of trust in the product or company in advance. However, it should be noted that Google reviews are not automatically displayed in the ad. Google itself has created a type of filter for this purpose, which only allows ads to be displayed if the product or company has received more than 150 positive reviews in the last twelve months. However, it is not always easy to generate them, especially if they have to be done within a certain period of time. For this purpose, the WLANmarketing package the ideal solution from Socialwave. With this automated tool, you can get positive reviews in no time at all. Advertisements can be prepared in advance by the advertiser and thus placed directly online, but subsequent editing is also possible using Google Ads tools. These offer, for example, the insertion of the company logo. To ensure the success of a Google Ads campaign, we have summarized a few points that are fundamentally crucial:


For a campaign to be successful, it is fundamentally important to reach the target people. However, the ad should not only be visible, but should also appeal to the potential customer. In other words: The searcher should receive a (potential) answer to their question at first glance. Because only then does he click. And only a clicked ad is a good ad. For example, if you are looking for a restaurant or doctor in the area, it is helpful to include the location information directly in the ad. With the numerous tools that Google Ads comes with, the target group can also be addressed on a geographical basis as well as by time of day, and sometimes even time. For example, a doctor can set advertising campaigns for Monday to Friday in order to adapt them to their opening hours. With these factors, the ad is becoming increasingly relevant for customers.

Addressing the right target group is crucial for success

Design and conciseness

The formulation and design of a Google Ads campaign is also crucial for conciseness. The ad should make it immediately clear to the searcher what kind of product, company, etc. it is. As soon as there is skepticism about the ad, it will not be clicked. That is why the following often applies here: less is more. The ad should be concise but not cluttered. Animations and effects can be used, but they usually only serve their purpose when used in a targeted manner. It is also important to address the target group directly.

Vote ads

Advertising campaigns in general and therefore also Google Ads depend on their quality. The more professionally and high-quality they are designed and built, the more successful they are — especially in the long term. Spelling errors, superfluous punctuation marks or indefinable URLs reduce the quality enormously and are therefore not approved by Google itself. The display is simply not displayed in this way.

Stay active

Against the backdrop of constant change in the needs and wishes of customers, the advertising campaign should also adapt to them. That means staying active! Adjusting and refining the ad and monitoring performance should not be forgotten. With tracking tools from Google, Google Ads and their performance can be regularly checked.


Due to increasing digitalization, advertising on the Internet is unavoidable. Today, the target group is mainly online, which is why the reach of Google, YouTube and Co. must be used. Since Google is by far the most frequently used platform worldwide, Google Ads are particularly suitable as an advertising medium. With the basics, which we have explained here, the foundation for successful marketing on Google has already been laid! With our WLAN marketing package, your customers/patients/guests advertise for you, are happy and recommend you to others.