Working effectively in the home office: 8 tips

Time reading time

Just in Corona year 2020 Many employees and providers have recognized the advantages of working from home. Getting up later, saving time by eliminating the need to travel or increasing flexibility — these are just a few of the many benefit factors that are particularly appreciated. However, with all these positive aspects, there are also difficulties that make working from home difficult. The potential for distraction is great when the interesting book from the previous evening is next to the desk or your own child runs into the room repeatedly. We provide 8 valuable tips to help you work more effectively while working from home.

8 valuable tips to make your home office more effective

1. Invest in your equipment

Good equipment is the basic requirement for a functioning work process, which is why this point comes first. Whether that's a second screen, fast WiFi, a high-quality headset or a new desk, the possible purchases for your workplace can be individually adjusted. Fortunately: The technical equipment is usually provided by your employer.

A second screen can make working at home easier

2. Create a permanent workplace

The temptation is great to unfold your laptop in bed or on the couch while working from home and get started. However, these places are considered places of relaxation in our heads, which makes it harder to be able to concentrate fully. It is therefore recommended that you create your own area, which is exclusively worked on and which is left after the work is done. True to the motto: Never mix private with professional!

3. Take time in the morning

Get up at 7:50 a.m. and start working at 8:00 a.m.? At first glance, that sounds very relaxed. That's what it is. But usually TOO relaxed. The organism needs a while in the morning to mentally “arrive” during the day. As a result, you start your working day slightly drowsy, which in some cases can last the entire day. Take at least half an hour in the morning to boot up your body, have breakfast and only start your day working from home when you are fully at “operating temperature”!

4. Dress properly

No one expects you to sit in front of the computer in your own home in a suit. However, many people keep their pajamas or cozy clothes from the previous day when working from home. The paradox is that although these pieces of clothing are comfortable, they make you feel less comfortable throughout the day because you don't feel “fresh.” A decent and clean selection of cloakrooms ensures that you are in the right mood. Associated with this, personal hygiene should also be at the same level as you would go to work.

Dressing properly in the home office indirectly increases the quality of work

5. Include breaks

In the office, it's a matter of course to stop by the coffee machine or have a quick chat with colleagues. If you work from home, on the other hand, you have to concentrate on eight hours of concentrated work. This is partly due to the feeling that colleagues can be reached around the clock. This results from a fear that you might get the impression that trust is being exploited and that you are busy elsewhere at home. This results in an unconcentrated way of working, as the head gets too few breaks. Build yourself a small “oasis” of five minutes every two to three hours, where you can switch off briefly and make yourself a coffee, for example.

Breaks can help clear your mind

6. Ventilate regularly

What sounds natural among the tips for working from home is still often forgotten. Since your room at home is usually significantly smaller than the office space in the company, it must also be ventilated much more often. Used, stale air makes you tired and sluggish, which massively slows down the pace of work. Fresh air, on the other hand, provides energy and drive. Therefore, open the window briefly at least every two to three hours to let new oxygen into the room.

7. Forgive yourself for distractions

Distractions are hard to avoid when working from home. If you live with your partner and may have one or more children at home, you won't be able to work in peace for eight hours straight. And that's okay too! Your own four walls are not an office in the overall picture; there are also too many private objects around that can attract attention. The requirement to be able to work from home without external influences ultimately leads to dissatisfaction, frustration and ultimately to disputes within the family. Of course, it is important to find the right balance and make clear arrangements with the family or roommates. But you should make yourself aware that small-scale distractions are perfectly okay.

Children can be a distraction when working from home

8. Stay in touch

Good communication with colleagues or supervisors ensures transparency. The employer gives you a leap of faith, especially when working from home. Communication is significantly more difficult when you are not sitting next to your colleagues. So when working from home, it is once again much more important to have a good and regular connection with other employees in order to prevent complications. You can also repay your trust to your boss by regularly updating him and showing that you are “fully committed”!

Stay connected while working from home

Conclusion of the 8 tips for working from home

The tips for working from home all point to one thing: Create a routine for your work in the home office that is close to “normal” working life. Don't let that slip away and integrate one or the other tip into your daily work in the home office.