More new customers through referral marketing

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Imagine being sued for damages. Regardless of whether you are guilty or innocent. Now you need a good lawyer who can get you out of it. There are several ways to find exactly this. Perhaps you already know one by chance, you can look it up on the Internet or you get a recommendation from a friend or acquaintance who, for example, knows the perfect lawyer for it from personal experience. If the story goes like this, it's called referral marketing. Based on someone else's recommendation, you will contact that lawyer. Whether he can save you from disaster or not. You'll feel safer with this lawyer than with others. In this blog post, you'll learn how to get new customers using referral marketing.


1. Start by yourself

Before you think about other people or companies recommending your products or services, turn the tables first. Look for services and products in your area and start making recommendations. In this way, you will find out how it feels to be a referrer and how the recommendation affects everyone involved. Last but not least, this has a positive effect, as the parties involved may also recommend your company to others.


2. Ask customers for recommendations

Do you use the WLAN marketing package from Socialwave, can simply positive Google reviews be collected. These reviews are nothing more than recommendations from customers with a positive experience in your business. The more positive Google reviews you get, the more likely it is that customers will come to you just because of them. If the customers are now with you, you can also sign up for free WLAN rejoice. This further increases customer satisfaction.


3. Make yourself known

Anyone who is, has, can or does something special is gladly recommended. It is important to make yourself or your company particularly interesting in order to be remembered. If a lawyer presents himself as the lawyer who wins every case, he has made himself extremely interesting. This will have a positive impact on future decisions made by customers. When it comes to advertisements, you often think to yourself: “Wait a minute, it sounds familiar to me somewhere.” If this is the case, the advertiser's goal has been achieved. It is already anchored in your subconscious and this increases the probability of a purchase.


4. Prepare recommendation stories

In doing so, you can invent or change stories. However, the most impactful stories of successful collaboration are true stories. For example, you can talk about a customer who has conquered a new market and receives the most recommendations with the help of Google reviews. In doing so, you describe in all facets exactly how this happened. Finally, it is mentioned quite casually that this customer was won over through a recommendation.


5. Stimulate recommendation

Who a NeWsletter The best way to encourage the transfer is as follows: “I'm sure you know people for whom this newsletter/offer could also be of interest. We would therefore be very grateful if you would forward this email to two people.” This can also be done with social media posts. “If you think this could also be of interest to your friends and acquaintances, forward the post or tag your friends.” Companies such as UBER have their own method. First, invite a friend using a special link from you. Your friend/acquaintance must then book a trip yourself and then both of you will receive a free trip. You can find out more about this over here


6. Make yourself the talk of the town

There are various ways to become the number 1 topic of conversation. Of course, this shouldn't be negative. Instead, you can use your creative minds to create a crazy idea in a positive way to attract the interest of journalists and TV reporters. As a pizza owner, this could be the biggest pizza in Germany, for example. Or an action by a restaurant that requires eating a certain amount of food within a certain period of time. If you can do this, you don't have to pay anything. If you don't make it, you pay for everything, which is very expensive.


7. Turn customers into free advertisers

In addition, you give fans something with which they can show their interests to the outside world. With Apple For example, with a purchased product, you receive two stickers that depict the Apple logo. This small free present can be anything from stickers or flyers to a bracelet or a T-shirt.


8. Social reliability

amazon I've been using this for a long time. If you look at a product or have already added it to the shopping cart, Amazon suggests additional products to you and categorizes them with: “Customers who... also bought,” or before it is in the shopping cart: “Is also bought often.” You can simply watch this and make use of it yourself. The other day I went to buy a new perfume. The saleswoman recommended a perfume that was perfect for the office. She also recommended a smell for me to go away in the evening. Bingo! Bought both!


9. Be surprising

Do things that have never been done before in your industry. In particular, ensure emotional “contact.” A brilliant idea associated with your name might last forever. This is how bank advisors have their customers who have a Home construction loan had personally planted an apple tree in the garden for the inauguration: in a suit, tie and rubber boots. This is a topic of conversation at every barbecue and will always be remembered.


10. Shorten your offer

Many companies have been using this method for a long time. They shorten supply, making actual demand greater than supply. In particular, the proud owners, who manage to get hold of one of the rare parts, will report on this. The automotive industry understood this years ago. Limited edition cars are in very high demand and therefore end up in the press again and again. The price no longer plays a role. The McLaren P1 For example, costs 1.067 million euros and is already sold out before the market launch. The quantity is limited to 375 pieces.



However — at least if you are following a growth course with your company — don't think that you could land your orders with recommendations alone. This is and usually remains an illusion. Referral marketing should only be one, albeit an important, pillar of your sales concept. In addition, you should continue to actively market and sell your company's services. This is especially true for newcomers to the market. Because if no one has had any experience with you, no one can recommend you.

With our WLAN marketing package, your customers/patients/guests advertise for you, are happy and recommend you to others.