Tips for better time management

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Tips for better time management

Set priorities

Sorting the priorities of your tasks correctly is the be-all and end-all in time management. Not all tasks have to be completed at the same time. Accordingly, important subtasks come first, less important ones only when the others have been completed. With this organization, urgent tasks are completed instantly. For this, you can use various methods:Eisenhower principleThe Eisenhower Principle is a sorting system that divides tasks into four categories, which are categorized according to the characteristics “urgent” and “important.” Accordingly, the Eisenhower Principle is divided into: A: Super tasks (important and urgent) B: Subsequent tasks (important but not urgent) C: Immediate tasks (urgent but not important) D: Pointless tasks (neither important nor urgent) So-called super tasks (A) should be planned most of the day. Subsequent tasks (B) include, for example, administrative tasks which are also important but do not have a priority in terms of time. Immediate tasks include tasks that are not directly related to your field of activity. You can easily pass this on to your employees. You should largely avoid the last category (D). Another method is ALPEN—method: Plan your process:The ALPEN method helps you to plan your time management carefully and in a structured manner. You can make decisions effectively and control them. Prioritize and decide which tasks you do yourself. Create buffers and therefore additional time periods. Although the follow-up takes time, it saves time afterwards, for example if you discover errors before you submit them.

  • ADefine task: What are the tasks?
  • LEstimate length: How long do I need to complete the tasks?
  • PPlan waiting times: When will I be ready at the earliest? I'll add time to make sure.
  • EMake decisions: What tasks do I take on myself? Is the schedule right? Which tasks do I shorten? What are the priorities?
  • NReview: Is everything done? Have I met the requirements? Have mistakes crept in?

The principle calculates 60 percent of the time for actual work. The remaining 40 percent should be set aside for buffer times and other activities such as spontaneous contacts or social contacts. Set aside more time for important tasks. In this case, it is up to you to decide which percentages you divide the day into. For example, you can also use a 50/30/20 percent method. In other words, 50 percent for an important task, 30 percent for two less important tasks and 20 percent for spontaneous assignments.

Create a daily schedule

Without a reasonable structure, nothing works. Therefore, it is important that you create a daily schedule. You will also find numerous ready-made templates online, which you can download and fill out to structure your day. These are suitable for individuals as well as for an entire team. However, be careful not to write down too much so that it doesn't get confusing.

Group tasks by type

Another helpful tip for good time management is to group tasks by project or type. So that you can work more productively and not jump from one thing to another, it makes sense to complete similar or related tasks in one day.

Include distractions

Feel free to expect to be distracted, disrupted, or confronted with unexpected tasks. Let's be honest, no one is able to be productive and focused every hour of a day. So when you create your weekly schedule, you also add time for interruptions.

Avoid multitasking

Avoid interrupting your work by multitasking. When you focus on one thing, it's much easier for you to get to grips with it. Work through your tasks step by step.

Monotasking instead of multitasking.

Take breaks

It's hard to believe, but you can also treat yourself to a break. In addition to hard work, productivity also requires rest breaks. If you're working in front of a screen, try taking five to ten minute breaks every hour. This will make you feel fresher and more relaxed, so you can also complete your tasks efficiently. The breaks enable you to reflect on your work and possibly also develop new ideas.

Delegate tasks to others

Your goal should be to achieve the highest possible quality within the time available to you. To achieve this, it is important that you work efficiently. You can increase your efficiency in your company by handing over tasks to your employees. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. If you notice that a task is beyond your knowledge or available time, it's okay to let someone else on your team do the job. Giving the right people the right tasks is a key to the productivity of employees and therefore of the entire company.

Delegate your tasks.

Use technologies to automate

The ability to automate tasks saves you a huge amount of time. Do you want to attract new customers or retain existing customers to your company and your products? To achieve this, it is important to use certain marketing strategies. So-called marketing automation in particular is very helpful. But what exactly does marketing automation mean?

Marketing automation

Marketing automation saves you time, effort and budget. Marketing automation helps you prioritize and then automate various marketing tasks. You'll get help with sending emails, generating and segmenting leads, publishing and distributing targeted content, publishing posts on social networks, scoring leads, and customer loyalty. As already mentioned, marketing automation primarily saves time. For example, there is no need to keep manual tables or send individual emails. You can use the free time wisely for other matters. Another advantage of marketing automation is higher customer satisfaction. When your customers are shown products and content that really interest them, this has a positive effect on their satisfaction and increases the willingness to buy and visit. Clarity can also be strengthened as a result. All marketing activities are presented at a glance in a dashboard. For example, you can immediately see which campaigns are doing well or which social media posts are reaching the most customers.

Automation technologies save you an enormous amount of time.

Automatic marketing function with Socialwave

You can see how important good time management is. To help you achieve your goals faster, you should save time in the right places. The Socialwave marketing package offers you marketing automation with numerous options.

Newsletter marketing

Automated newsletters, for example, are particularly popular and important. Through newsletter marketing, you manage to promote and communicate. There are numerous marketing strategic advantages. However, both the generation of customer data and the design of the newsletter require enormous effort. Socialwave offers you the perfect solution for this. In consultation with you, the newsletters are designed and sent to the desired recipients using a specific delivery option. With the Socialwave solution, you no longer need to worry about setting up and maintaining your email distribution list. This is done completely automatically. This can be pure information about new products or classic reminder emails. The implementation in the newsletter is up to you and can be individually adapted accordingly. We see that the process up to the actual sending of the newsletter takes place in many steps. From initial mailing list creation and email address generation to visual design and data maintenance, the whole process requires a certain amount of time. Use marketing automation to save time.

Automated newsletters as a successful marketing strategy


Vouchers are also one of the most popular customer loyalty measures. Because every customer who has received a voucher naturally wants to come back to your shop and redeem it. This increases the likelihood that a customer will visit your store. Here, too, you can use the Socialwave marketing package. After logging in, every new customer receives a voucher via email. Here you can decide for yourself which type of voucher it should be. A free drink? A discount code or a discounted haircut? That decision is entirely up to you. In addition, the customer also receives a reminder email shortly before the voucher expires. As a result, he won't forget the voucher and will also be reminded of your business. Since both the voucher and the reminder are automatically sent to the customer, you will experience the benefits of the voucher without much and additional effort. With the Socialwave voucher tool, you can take advantage of this increased customer loyalty and the associated increase in sales and, of course, automate this so that you can save time.


As you can see, good time management isn't rocket science. You must now find out for yourself which of the methods mentioned are right for you and your company. With the right methods and structured planning, everyday work can be organized very effectively. In particular, the use of automation technologies saves you an enormous amount of time and effort. You can find more information about the Socialwave marketing package here.