WiFi for daycare centers — How and why?

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WiFi for daycare centers — How and why?

Digitalization is no longer just on the rise, but has now become an all-encompassing part of society. Children are confronted with smartphones, tablets and other technological innovations at an ever earlier stage. Early digital education is therefore becoming increasingly relevant so that they later have all the skills they need to cope in a digitalized world. In many places, better equipment is required for daycare centers and kindergartens, but usually not only mobile devices but also a stable infrastructure in the form of WLAN are required. In this article, you will learn why early digital education should be promoted and how WiFi from Socialwave plays a key role in this.

Why should early digital education be promoted?

Protecting children from technology is a pointless task today, partly because they are confronted with digitization everywhere, but also because proficient use of all types of devices and software has now become an important recruitment criterion for almost every professional sector. Many voices say that the Internet has too much content that should not be accessible to children. But that is exactly one of the main reasons why children should learn how to use the Internet responsibly at an early age so that they don't end up in the wrong places or fall for scams.
Apart from that, the aim of early digital education is not to teach children how to passively consume content for hours, but to apply a well-thought-out, educational concept that combines the extensive tools of e-learning platforms and new communication channels. For example, you can send a video greeting to another kindergarten in the morning or bridge any language barriers between the children with programs. Such a concept gives children the opportunity to access digitization in this safe environment and at the same time provides equal opportunities for all children. Because, as mentioned earlier, everyone today should have a certain amount of practice with technical devices, especially in the professional world. By promoting early digital education, all children can gain experience at least at a young age and are prepared for the future.
Another aspect of early digital education is the safe use of the Internet. This topic can also be dealt with in a simplified form even in kindergarten. With questions such as: “What information am I allowed to share? ”, “Who can I tell something to? ” and “How much time should you spend with digital media? “Can you give children a sense of how to behave correctly when it comes to the Internet. But all forms of a concept for early digital education are only possible if the optimal framework conditions are in place. On the one hand, you need the devices that the children ultimately use, and on the other hand, the daycare center or kindergarten also needs a stable and secure WLAN network so that all options are available.

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Socialwave WiFi in daycare centers

A professional and secure WiFi network is one of the basic requirements for using e-learning, whether in schools or in daycare centers. There are a number of demands placed on such a network. First and foremost, the WLAN must be secure. Because it must not be possible for anyone to penetrate the WLAN network from outside so that all data in the daycare center is protected. Apart from that, Internet access within the network must also be regulated so that children do not have access to every type of website. Because despite learning how to use the Internet safely, there are pages on the Internet that are not appropriate at such a young age. To ensure network security, Socialwave WiFi has a professional firewall so that no access is possible without a password. There are also parental controls that block access to certain websites. Apart from that, Socialwave offers full legal security should the network be misused.
In addition to network security, SocialWave's WLAN can be individually adjusted to be ideally used in any facility. For example, you can extend the range of the network to cover several floors or a large area. The network can also be divided into two independent sub-networks in order to offer children a regulated WLAN with parental controls and another, open network for employees. You can also adjust the activity of the WLAN network to the opening hours of the establishment and Socialwave customer service will advise all customers with any problem or question.


Digital early education is simply essential for children today. Because everyone should have at least a basic understanding of digitization and be able to cope in an increasingly digital world. This is not only about security, but also about equal opportunities later on. For such a concept to be implemented, there must be a stable and professional infrastructure. This consists primarily of a WLAN network that meets the requirements. This is where Socialwave comes in, because our WiFi is secure, stable and individual to support children's digital education.