Socialwave is one of the winners at the Tourismusforum Oberbayern 2015

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Socialwave emerged as one of six winners of the “Digitalization in Tourism” competition organized by the Upper Bavaria Tourism Forum in 2015. The aim of the competition was to draw attention to the digital transformation in the tourism industry. Bavaria's Minister of Economic Affairs Ilse Aigner called for taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digital start-ups and warned of a technical standstill.

In advance, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Upper Bavaria District of DEHOGA Bayern and Tourismus Oberbayern München e.V. (TOM) had called for the competition, for which start-ups from all over Bavaria could register. Particular emphasis was placed on the benefits for tourists and companies and the originality of the idea. The six best start-ups were then selected from the numerous applications and invited to a pitch in front of around 180 representatives from the tourism industry.

Socialwave was already convincing when applying in advance, was one of the best companies and is therefore one of the winners at the Tourismusforum Oberbayern 2015. Felix Schönfelder, co-founder of Socialwave, presented the business idea and the company in a short presentation to Ilse Aigner and various representatives of the tourism industry on October 26 and was very well received.

More information and a detailed article about the competition can be found over here