Icons — How pictograms make our lives easier

Time reading time

They're just about everywhere. On our smartphones, when shopping and in advertising. We're talking about icons. The small signs make our lives extremely simple, even though we are usually not even aware of it. They show us how the weather will be, which way we can best reach a company or which sector a business belongs to. The pictograms do all of this in a completely uncomplicated way, completely without words. For you as an entrepreneur, this offers numerous advantages, because with icons, you speak the only language in the world that really everyone understands. You would certainly also be happy if you didn't have to decipher the words i'r dde and chwith on your next vacation in Wales, but show you simple arrow symbols whether it's right or left to the edge of the forest. To ensure that your product is received by an international audience with guests from all over the world, you must always appeal to all people in your target group, regardless of their home language. Would you like to attract more international customers to your company in the future and make life easier for German-speaking people so that they buy from you more often and increase your turnover? In the following, we will show you exactly how this can be achieved thanks to the help of the icons and what great benefits the small characters still mean for your business.

Icons make marketing more effective than ever

Price question: What do people have in common with goldfish? Quite simply, the answer is “eight seconds.” That is our attention span, which we now share with the cute swimmers. Researchers have found that the time in which we pay attention to a certain input has fallen drastically in recent years. No wonder, because social media and the like bombard us with cat videos, soccer news and influencers around the clock. The offer is therefore bigger than ever, but the day is still only 24 hours. You ask yourself how your company can still be well received with the mass of information? The answer lies in modern marketing. Easy, quick and easy. Icons ensure that your message is understood by customers at first glance.

Icons usually say more than a thousand words and can significantly increase your sales.

Pop-Ups: Icons as road signs for online marketing

Who doesn't know it, you open a website and only a short time later an advertising window opens, which almost overwhelms you with information. “Quick click away!” Many people think and go in search of the cross to close. But there is also a completely different way. When used correctly, pop-ups are the number one measure to keep customers in store longer and encourage further purchases. They also have a higher interaction rate than traditional advertisements. So don't miss out on the opportunity to reach your customers locally, for example via the free WiFi network. Are you looking for new employees for your fitness center? Nowhere is it easier for you to reach people who identify with your company than the sports enthusiasts on your premises. Quick information is required so that athletes do not click away the pop-up with which they are looking for personnel, but use it to personally introduce themselves to you after training. An example: Fabian has two hours after work to train with you before having dinner with his girlfriend. He uses the WiFi network for the right music and gets your pop-up displayed. So no time for long texts, complicated information and boring content. The solution is very simple: two icons. One that focuses a magnifying glass on the next employee and one in the form of a dumbbell. Fabian now knows immediately that you are looking for new staff and so he applies to you immediately after showering. A little tip: By the way, upselling can also be carried out just as quickly and easily using the same principle.

Newsletter: Icons as informative news anchors

Would you like to inform the customers of your organic bakery about the latest breakfast offerings? Not even the best news anchor in the world delivers news as quickly and comprehensibly as icons. Two pictograms are enough to get girlfriends Judith and Marie to have brunch at your place next Sunday. One for the delicious meal, for example in the form of a croissant and coffee cup, and one that stands for saving money, such as an open palm that receives money. The two students already know that they will experience culinary delights in their bistro and save face value. For you, this not only means more turnover in the short term, but also the opportunity to win the two ladies over the long term as customers. Because a visit on Sunday can become a weekly ritual that will benefit your company in the long term. Thanks to the icons.

Vouchers: Icons bring joy and revenue

Would you like to make your customers happy and at the same time win them over for yourself and your business over the long term? With an opening rate of 82%, email vouchers are the marketing tool par excellence. To ensure that your customers don't just open the email and then close it again after eight seconds out of boredom, the following should be considered: Long texts don't just look boring anymore, they don't even get read through. Visual incentives, on the other hand, bring life to the word jungle and have one effect in particular: Your customers remain interested in what you have to offer instead of falling asleep or switching to cat videos. What is to be done? If you, for example as an owner of a hair salon, send a voucher and Mrs. Krömer opens it, make sure that you notice these signs first and foremost: the outlines of hair cutting scissors and comb as well as the outline of a gift box. It is immediately clear that the lady is getting a nice gift from her favorite hair salon. Briefly and concisely add the most important information, such as the amount of the discount and the expiration date, and nothing stands in the way of Mrs. Krömer's next visit to your premises.


Icons are more important today than ever and are becoming even more important over time. As is well known, the flood of media and content is getting bigger and bigger, so that people can and want to pay less and less attention to individual input. The little helpers are therefore just in time, because they convey information in just a few milliseconds, in a targeted and efficient manner. Communication is becoming ever faster and now only works if it can be understood directly. Another advantage of pictograms: They look stylish and offer visual appeal, make content so interesting and encourage your customers to stay on the ball. When choosing your icons, it should therefore be noted that they are simple and omit unimportant details. You should also make the characters as monochrome or black and white as possible. Have you found the right icons for your company? Great, because then you've already taken the first step. The Socialwave marketing package now offers you the option of including the pictograms in pop-ups, newsletters and vouchers and thus successfully communicate your product to customers. Dyma ni'n mynd! Let's go! It's best to start a successful future today by presenting your product in a way that everyone understands — and buys. Find out more about the Socialwave marketing package here.With our WLAN marketing package, your customers/patients/guests advertise for you, are happy and recommend you to others.