Christmas is very important for sales for most industries. In retail and catering in particular, the pre-Christmas period is clearly visible in the figures. To help your business get the most out of the Christmas season, we have a few tips and ideas for you. For example, targeted marketing and sales psychology are important factors for drawing the attention of customers to your company and your offers.
First, you should get in touch with your existing customer base. Because during the Christmas season, everyone thinks about what kind of gifts they can give to their loved ones. In your mind, you then go through the shops where you often go. Your goal should now be to get your company in the customer's mind. But how do you do that? In the age of the Internet, Email newsletter Perfect for this. Collect the email addresses of your customers and then get in touch with them. For example, an email at the beginning of December reminds you that Christmas is just around the corner. In addition, you can then present gift ideas to your customers and promote offers.
The most important thing is that you place yourself in the customer's mind.
During the Christmas season, most people's money is looser. On the one hand, you are willing to spend more money on gifts because they have mental value. On the other hand, there is also more money in the account in many cases, as you often receive a Christmas bonus from your employer. Since customers are willing to spend more money than usual, you shouldn't hesitate and present your best goods. Customers can then still decide how much money they want to spend. Because even if they don't go for the most expensive product, many customers still opt for high-quality, more expensive products because they don't want to be stingy when it comes to gifts.
If you don't retail, you can still benefit from the Christmas shopping season. Offer to your customers vouchers that you can give to your loved ones as a gift. Restaurants can offer vouchers for romantic dinners, gyms for monthly memberships, or hairdressers for a haircut or beauty treatment. The good thing about this is that you retain customers to your company. Present the vouchers in such a way that your customers notice them, or address them directly. You can also disseminate and promote your voucher offer via social media or via e-mail newsletters. In addition, the festive design of the vouchers is also well received. In addition to vouchers, discounts, coupons and other purchase incentives are of course also a popular means of sales promotion.
A simple marketing trick is good decoration. Because the visual impression is the first and can convince potential customers to come to the shop or restaurant. At Christmas, there are more than enough ways to decorate festively. A Christmas tree doesn't cause much excitement in December, so some original creativity here won't hurt. As soon as customers associate Christmas with decoration, they think about how many gifts they still need and come into your shop to have a look around.
As already mentioned, vouchers and festive promotions are good for Christmas shopping - but you also need to inform your customers about this. Use your social media channels to post festive Christmas pictures or sayings and thus reach potential customers. Christmas mailings are also successful, even if they are not advertising but simply want to wish your customers a Merry Christmas. Because this is how you strengthen customer loyalty because customers will remember you fondly.
But how do you get the email addresses of your customers? A simple solution offers guests a WLAN hotspot from Socialwave. Your customers log in locally via email, Facebook or WhatsApp and thus join your mailing list. You can then reach all customers that you had in your company throughout the year at Christmas - or other special occasions. If necessary, Socialwave customer service will also help you create the emails and give you other useful marketing tips.
With our WLAN marketing package, your customers/patients/guests advertise for you, are happy and recommend you to others.