Successful with newsletter marketing — that's how it works!

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Successful with newsletter marketing — that's how it works!

Digital communication is omnipresent today. Sending emails has long since overtaken the traditional postal route. Or do you remember the last time you had anything other than bills in your mailbox? This is due to the great success of online marketing. The advantages of an email over a letter are known to everyone: faster delivery at lower costs. Companies have also taken advantage of this benefit. This is how newsletter marketing developed into one of the most successful marketing tools. Digital newsletters are more successful than ever. Regular delivery, customizable content and significant cost savings are just a few aspects, which is why newsletter campaigns are now an integral part of marketing.

In this blog post, we explain how newsletters are successfully set up and why they have become an integral part of today's (digital) age.

Why newsletter marketing?

When implemented correctly, newsletter marketing is a particularly effective and direct measure to promote and communicate. One of the most valid reasons is fast and cost-effective delivery to target groups — the cost-benefit ratio could hardly be better! This form of marketing is particularly suitable for SMEs and companies without a large budget. Target groups can be addressed directly and in real time with little financial outlay. With sufficient selection, it is also possible to address the recipient individually, in some cases personally. This is particularly beneficial for customer loyalty in the long term.

However, a targeted approach also includes the timing, content and individual design of the newsletter. Using certain marketing tools, newsletter campaigns can be dated down to the minute. Delivery takes place in real time within a few seconds, which means that a large number of customers (or potential customers) are immediately reached. Companies also derive important key figures from newsletter campaigns. For example, the opening rate and the resulting traffic to the website or shop can be determined in detail. The conversion rate is also increasing enormously.

On the part of recipients, newsletters have the big advantage of being up to date. Thanks to immediate shipping, customers are always up to date. Important information, special offers or current discount campaigns are immediately communicated. The customer thus experiences an appreciative and personal feeling, which is particularly decisive when it comes to customer loyalty. Personal newsletter campaigns, for example for birthdays, also maintain contact on an interpersonal level.

Basically, email and newsletter marketing combines a variety of marketing strategy success factors. However, it is not always easy to implement these. Often, the first difficulty lies in actually generating customer data. In addition, there is the subsequent segmentation of the target group and selection of the recipients of the respective emails. The design is also sometimes more complex than expected. Socialwave offers the ideal solution to avoid this additional effort. With its marketing package, all factors decisive for success are combined and used using an automated marketing tool. You can find more detailed information here.

With newsletters, a wide variety of target groups can be reached

How does newsletter marketing work?

The principle of newsletter and e-mail marketing is simple: A company sends electronic mail to the desired recipients using a specific delivery option. In order to reach them, only the email address is required, but in the best case also the name of the addressee. In order to be legally protected as well, it is important to obtain the consent of recipients to receive emails or newsletters before sending. The data protection regulations, regulations and laws in this regard are constantly changing, which is why regular review and updating is important.

In more detail, the process up to the actual sending of the newsletter takes a few steps. From initial mailing list creation and email address generation to visual design and data maintenance, the whole process requires a certain amount of work. All the more practical when most of these processes are completely automated. With the Socialwave solution, for example, you no longer need to worry about setting up and maintaining your email distribution list. This is done completely automatically.

Newsletters are one of the most effective marketing measures

Designing successful newsletter campaigns

A large part of the success of newsletters depends on the visual and content design. The individual and personal approach to the target group is generally decisive. Questions such as “Which groups of people should be addressed?” or “What is my target group interested in?” At best, they should provide the framework for the design. The primary focus is always on the right target group. People who receive newsletters in which they have no interest will unsubscribe from the newsletter sooner or later. In order not to get lost among the multitude of other emails, the design starts with the subject of the email. This provides a first glimpse and is intended to persuade the recipient to open the email. Short and concise phrases that arouse curiosity prove to be the most effective. Attracting people with special offers or discount campaigns in the subject line is also successful. But only if this also corresponds to the actual content of the newsletter.

Content and visual design

There are hardly any limits to creativity when it comes to the actual content of a newsletter. This can range from pure information to special offers and classic reminder emails. How these are implemented in the newsletter is up to each company and can be individually adapted depending on the target group or approach. If, for example, the focus is on new customers who should be surprised with a welcome gift, this is a good idea to approach them personally. “Dear Sir/Mrs. XY” gives a more personal impression right from the start than “Hello dear customer”. Using images or graphics is also well received. But only if they are used in a targeted and meaningful way. Please note the correct size of the file and the resolution. Pixelated images can quickly appear unprofessional and daunting. As well as spelling mistakes or incorrectly formatted text passages.

The marketing perspective

In order to address the aspect of marketing, it makes sense to always make the basic structure of newsletters similar, if possible identical. The keyword here is “recognition value”! Newsletter campaigns should be adapted to an existing corporate design, which includes, for example, the company logo, color accents and graphic elements. For example, the newsletters have a recognition value that allows the recipient to associate the newsletter directly with the respective company. Socialwave also offers an automated solution for this to keep costs as low as possible - marketing runs (almost) by itself. With the Socialwave marketing package, companies can choose from various standardized newsletters to send them directly to customers. The design is flexible and can be personalized in no time at all. You can find out more about this here.

Design is key to success

All benefits at a glance

  • constant traffic for the company's own website or online shop
  • significant cost savings compared to print advertising
  • targeted communication with (potential) customers
  • personal and individual design options
  • topicality
  • Datable delivery in real time
  • automatable marketing tool


Email marketing is one of the most successful and effective marketing tools today (digital). When used correctly, newsletter and email campaigns offer tremendous added value to any business. There is hardly any marketing measure that pays off better in terms of cost-benefit ratio. Newsletter campaigns are particularly effective when it comes to long-term customer loyalty and communication. With our WLAN marketing package, your customers/patients/guests advertise for you, are happy and recommend you to others.