5 tips for good customer loyalty

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We all know it: you're in a shop you've never been to before and discover countless beautiful things. You decide to buy something. At this moment, customer loyalty becomes interesting for the store operator. But what does customer loyalty actually mean? And why is it so important?

What is customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty is when a one-time purchase has turned into a long-term relationship with the customer. The owner of the company wants to retain new customers, with the aim of making them buy from him again and increase sales. But just like good friendships, good customer relationships must also be worked on constantly. We give you 5 tips on how good customer loyalty works:

1) The “Farming” Principle:

Under “Farming” You understand the “care” of customers. Well-served and satisfied customers are happy to buy again. They also recommend your company or the products to friends and family. Despite the digital age, the majority of people still rely most heavily on personal recommendations. In order to be remembered positively by your customers, you should offer excellent service and create trust through good advice.

2) Personal newsletters:

Stay in regular — but not too intrusive — contact with your customers and therefore be present. Personalize emails and offer good content to your customers. You can provide information about new products, send invitations to events or make your customers happy with small gift vouchers. As a result, you not only strengthen the bond, but can also provide your customers with targeted information and encourage them to visit again.

3) Marketing via social media:

Connect with your customers via social media. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp are easy to use and have a wide reach. Share appealing photos that suit your company and encourage customers to drop by again. Look for advertising with added value — a blog is suitable for that. Depending on the industry, you can post recipes, new fashion trends or fitness exercises, for example. With blog articles, you can increase your online presence and promote your products indirectly.

4) Bonus programs:

Come up with a Bonus programthat makes sense for your company. Give your customers the opportunity to collect loyalty points and thus retain customers to your company. With the big competition on the open market, it is very important to retain customers — collecting loyalty points and thus receiving bonuses is a decisive reason for many customers to continue to stay with you. The bonuses can, for example, receive discounts, small gifts or invitations to promotions.

5) Customer feedback:

Get the opinions of your customers and evaluate them. With good complaint management, you can improve your company and respond more specifically to customer requests. Encourage your customers to give you personal feedback or to rate you online. In doing so, satisfied customers will be happy to give you a good valuation leave behind, which in turn improves your online presence.

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There are many ways to maintain customer loyalty, the most important prerequisite for this is customer satisfaction. Offer good products, services and top service.

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